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Artikel berikut akan membahas bagaimana membuat membuat Add In terbilang (menterjemahkan angka menjadi kata-kata ) untuk Microsoft Excel. Bagi anda yang sering membuat tanda terima pembayaran tentunya sering kali anda harus menterjemahkan angka-angka menjadi kata-kata, misal Rp. 1000,-diterjemahkan menjadi Seribu Rupiah, tentu akan sangat melelahkan jika hal ini harus dikerjakan secara manual, dimana anda harus mengeja setiap angka pada transaksi anda untuk kemudian anda tuliskan.
Dengan Add In ini saya berharap akan bisa membantu pekerjaan anda dalam membuat tanda terima. Untuk mempersingkat proses, saya tidak menjelaskan apa itu Add In, anda bisa pelajari sendiri dari Microsoft Excel help.
Inti dari artikel ini adalah membuat Add Ins terbilang bukan membuat fungsi terbilang, sehingga persiapan pertama yang perlu anda lakukan adalah membuat fungsi terbilang menggunakan VBA, kalau anda merasa kesulitan, anda bisa googling dengan kunci pencarian “fungsi terbilang VBA”, dijamin dapat banyak . Kalau anda tidak bisa googling karena keburu pulang dari warnet atau koneksi internetnya sudah terlanjur disconnect, anda bisa juga menggunakan kode fungsi terbilang dibawah ini, dengan catatan anda tidak boleh menyebutkan bahwa kode fungsi ini adalah karya penulis, karena penulis sendiri tidak pernah merasa membuat kode tersebut , penulis mendapatkan kode ini sekitar tahun 2000 an dengan bahasa xBase (DBASEIII+), yang kemudian penulis modifikasi dengan VBA agar bisa jalan di Microsoft Access, Microsoft Excel dan Microsoft Visual Basic, tapi penulis sudah lupa dari situs mana. Berikut Kode Untuk Fungsi Terbilang :
Dim sen As CurrencyDim baca As String
'Jika x adalah 0, maka dibaca sebagai 0If x = 0 Thenbaca = angka(0, 1)Else'Pisah masing-masing bagian untuk triliun, milyar, juta, ribu, rupiah, dan
sentriliun = Int(x * 0.001 ^ 4)milyar = Int((x -triliun * 1000 ^ 4) * 0.001 ^ 3)juta = Int((x -triliun * 1000 ^ 4 -milyar * 1000 ^ 3) / 1000 ^ 2)ribu = Int((x -triliun * 1000 ^ 4 -milyar * 1000 ^ 3 -juta * 1000 ^ 2) /
1000)satu = Int(x -triliun * 1000 ^ 4 -milyar * 1000 ^ 3 -juta * 1000 ^ 2 ¬
ribu * 1000)sen = Int((x -Int(x)) * 100)'Baca bagian triliun dan ditambah akhiran triliunIf triliun > 0 Then
baca = ratus(triliun, 5) + "triliun "End If'Baca bagian milyar dan ditambah akhiran milyarIf milyar > 0 Then
baca = ratus(milyar, 4) + "milyar "End If'Baca bagian juta dan ditambah akhiran jutaIf juta > 0 Then
baca = baca + ratus(juta, 3) + "juta "End If'Baca bagian ribu dan ditambah akhiran ribuIf ribu > 0 Then
baca = baca + ratus(ribu, 2) + "ribu "End If'Baca bagian satuanIf satu > 0 Then
baca = baca + ratus(satu, 1) + "rupiah "else
baca = baca + "rupiah "End If'Baca bagian sen dan ditambah akhiran senIf sen > 0 Then
baca = baca + ratus(sen, 0) + "sen"
End IfEnd Ifterbilang = UCase(Left(baca, 1)) & LCase(Mid(baca, 2))End Function
Function ratus(x As Currency, posisi As Integer) As StringDim a100 As Integer, a10 As Integer, a1 As IntegerDim baca As Stringa100 = Int(x * 0.01)a10 = Int((x -a100 * 100) * 0.1)a1 = Int(x -a100 * 100 -a10 * 10)'Baca Bagian RatusIf a100 = 1 Then
baca = "Seratus "ElseIf a100 > 0 Thenbaca = angka(a100, 2) + "ratus "
End IfEnd If'Baca Bagian Puluh dan SatuanIf a10 = 1 Then
baca = baca + angka(a10 * 10 + a1, 2)Else
If a10 > 0 Then
baca = baca + angka(a10, 2) + "puluh "End IfIf a1 > 0 Then
If posisi = 2 And a100 = 0 And a10 = 0 Thenbaca = baca + angka(a1, 1)Elsebaca = baca + angka(a1, 2)End If
End IfEnd Ifratus = bacaEnd Function
Function angka(x As Integer, posisi As Integer)
We we wew panjang banget dan susah, gak usah bingung karena sudah ada instant yang sudah jadi tinggal memasangnya. Ambil/downloat filenya di sini terbilang
Cara memasang kode terbilang pada Microsoft Excel 2007
Buka Microsoft Excel 2007 dan pilih office button (pojok kiri atas) dan pilih Excel option add-ins
2. Pilih Add-Ins dan selanjutnya pilih Go dan pilih browse
3. Selanjutnya copi file terbilang.xla kedalamnya
4. Terakhir ulangi lagi langkah 1 dan dipilih add-ins terbilang
5. Cara memakai fungsi terbilang adalah =terbilang(cell;style;"rupiah") maksudnya cell adalah tempat angkanya dan stylenya bisa dipilih 1 atau 2 atau 3 dan rupiah adalah satuan yang dikehendaki.
Contoh : Misalkan kita akan menjumlahkan dari sel H5 sampai sel H15
Penulisan : =SUM(H5:H15)
Fungsinya : Untuk melakukan counter
Bentuk umum : =COUNT(range sel)
Contoh : Misalkan kita akan menghitung jumlah pegawai yang berada di sel B5 sampai sel B15
Penulisan : =COUNT(B5:B15)
Fungsinya : Untuk mencari nilai maksimum (terbesar)
Bentuk umum : =MAX(range sel)
Contoh : Misalkan kita ingin menetukan nilai terbesar dari sederetan sel yang berada di sel F1 sampai sel F17
Penulisan : =MAX(F1:F17)
Fungsinya : Untuk mencari nilai minimum (terkecil)
Bentuk umum : =MIN(range sel)
Contoh : Misalkan kita ingin menentukan nilai terkecil dari sederetan sel yang berada di sel F1 sampai sel F17
Penulisan : =MIN(F1:F17)
Fungsinya : Untuk mencari nilai rata-rata
Bentuk umum : =AVERAGE (range sel)
Contoh : Misalkan kita ingin mengetahui nilai rata-rata dari sel A11 sampai A17
Penulisan :=AVERAGE(A11:A17)
Fungsinya : Untuk mengubah angka-angka yang ada dalam daftar argumennya menjadi bilangan mutlak (absolut)
Bentuk umum : =ABS(range sel)
Contoh : Misalkan kita bermaksud mengetahui secara mutlak dari sel yang kita aktifkan, misal di sel F17
Penulisan : =ABS(F17)
Fungsinya : Untuk menghitung akar dari bilangan X. Bilangan X tidak boleh negatif
Bentuk umum : =SQRT(range sel)
Penulisan : = SQRT(25) 5
Fungsinya : Untuk mengecek apakah nilai yang kita gunakan sebagai kunci benar atau salah (memenuhi syarat atau tidak)
Bentuk umum : =IF(logical_test ; Value_if_true ; Value_if_false)
Contoh : Misalkan kita akan membandingkan nilai di suatu sel yang berada di sel F17, tentang kriteria siswa dinyatakan lulus atau gagal dengan ketentuan sbb.
Jika nilai rata-rata siswa lebih besar sama dengan 60, maka siswa dinyatakan LULUS, dan sebaliknya.
Penulisan : =IF(F17>=60:”LULUS”;”GAGAL”) artinya jika kolom F17 lebih besar sama dengan 60, maka LULUS, jika kurang dari 60, maka GAGAL
Keterangan :
Jika kondisi di sel F17 terpenuhi, maak kerjakan Value_if_true, jika kondisi di sel F17 tidak terpenuhi, maka kerjakan Value_if_false
Fungsinya : Untuk menghitung jumlah hari
Contoh : =DATE(73,8,11) à 26887 hari
Fungsinya : Untuk pembacaan suatu tabel secara vertikal
Bentuk umum : =VLOOKUP(lookup_value; table_array; Col_index_num; Range_lookup)
Fungsinya : Untuk pembacaan suatu tabel secara horizontal
Bentuk umum : =HLOOKUP(lookup_value; table_array; Col_index_num; Range_lookup)
Fungsinya : Untuk mengambil teks sejumlah karakter tertentu dari sebelah kiri
Bentuk umum : =LEFT(teks;jumlah karakter yang diambil)
Contoh : Misal kita akan mengambil karakter yang ada di sel F17 (Februari) sebanyak 3 huruf
Penulisan : =LEFT(F17;3) hasilnya Feb
Fungsinya : Untuk mengambil teks sejumlah karakter tertentu dari sebelah kanan
Bentuk umum : =RIGHT(teks;jumlah karakter yang diambil)
Contoh : Misal kita akan mengambil karakter yang ada di sel F17 (Februari) sebanyak 3 huruf
Penulisan : =RIGHT(F17;3) hasilnya ari
Fungsinya : Untuk mengambil teks dari kedudukan tertentu dengan sejumlah karakter tertentu
Bentuk umum : =MID(teks; start_number; number_char)
Contoh : Misal kita akan mengambil karakter baru yang ada di sel F17 (Februari)
Toshiba Satellite C655-S5208 laptop offer a generous 15.6” diagonal display for unrestricted viewing and doing, along with powerful processors from eitherntel’s Core i3-2310M, study and juggle multiple tasks. They have plenty of memory for taking advantage of today’s software programs, lots of storage to keep your photos, music and school assignments, even a Webcam so you can chat face-to-face.
Toshiba Satellite C655-S5208 comes with 4 GB of DDR3 memory and its 1333 MHz speed grade improves the processor to memory communication throughput. The laptop comes with most of the common features that a laptop has – including the 500 GB Hard Disk, the DVD writer, wifi and two USB ports. That is all you need for a home computing need.
Toshiba Satellite C655-S5501 Laptop is a great looking and performing productivity laptop. It’s plenty fast, light and easily transportable. This laptop is more than plenty for your needs. For $500, the price is perfect. It features an Intel Core i3-2350M 2.3GHz processor, 4GB DDR3 RAM, 320GB 5400rpm hard drive, Intel HD graphics, run Windows 7 Home Premium Edition 64-bit. The black Toshiba C655-S5501 also includes a 2-USB 2.0 ports, built-in webcam, media card reader, 802.11b/g/n WLAN, 6 cell battery, measures 1.6" thin and weight 5.3 lbs. The keyboard feels really nice and sounds good, too.
Although the capacity of hard drives are small, but the screen size Toshiba Satellite C655-S5501 is quite large, with wide 15.6-inch widescreen TruBrite ® HD technology Backlit LED display that supports 720p content, this screen also has an aspect ratio of 16:9 and a resolution of 1366 x 768 pixels (HD). To give look sharper when you play the game, then Mobile Intel® HD Graphics technology with 64MB-1696MB dynamically allocated shared graphics memory will automatically switch to provide the screen sharpness.
In terms of looks, this laptop has dimensions of 1.5 x 15 x 9.8 inches with a thickness of only 1.5 inches, while the weight ranged between 5.3 lbs and includes a battery 6-Cell Lithium-Ion battery with 48Wh, this battery has the ability to support the Toshiba Satellite C655- S5501 last up to 5.5 hours.
This Satellite laptop features Windows® 7 Home Premium makes it easy to create a home network and share all of your favorite photos, videos, and music. Get the best entertainment experience with Windows 7 Home Premium. At home, in the office, at school or on the go, your life never stops moving. Microsoft® Office gives you smart, simple, timesaving tools to help you keep up. This laptop comes with Office 2010 Starter preloaded (reduced functionality Word and Excel with advertising) — purchase a product key during checkout to activate the full version.
Share files and arrange all your discs—in a flash. Thanks to a standard DVD SuperMulti optical drive you can make copies of your work and burn CDs of your photos and music mixes. Half a terabyte! That's an enormous amount of storage—for today and tomorrow! More than ample for holding all your videos, movies, photos and more. Enjoy peace of mind with a standard 1-year limited warranty, featuring 7x24 toll-free telephone support, mail-in warranty service via the Toshiba Depot, plus online support via the Toshiba Internet website.
The new 2010 Intel® Core™ i3 mobile processor for laptops is the first level of Intel's new processor family, delivering the performance you need for smart multitasking and extended battery life.
The Toshiba Tecra R850-S8552 laptop is the perfect mobile computing device for your business needs. It has several connectivity features which allow you to check your email, chat, connect to the Internet and stay in touch with colleagues and clients, wherever you may be. You can now efficiently multitask and handle any heavy computing need, thanks to its 4GB of DDR3 memory. Keep your business presentations and files stored securely on its 320GB Hard Disk Drive. Powered by an AMD Radeon HD 6450M Graphics GPU, it helps with your photo and video editing needs to produce clear and crisp images or videos anytime. Featuring a 15.6-inch Widescreen TFT LED Backlit Display, present the best video and audio business presentations and close a deal with your client. Four USB ports allow you to connect compatible devices, or expand storage via an external hard drive and a flash drive. It’s slim, and easy-to-carry design makes the Toshiba Tecra R850-S8552 laptop an ideal choice for your mobile business needs.
The laptop Toshiba Qosmio F755-3D350 add definition to your older DVDs and games with Toshiba's Resolution+® technology — an exclusive algorithm designed to deliver contrast and color enhancements in real-time. Utilizing the advanced graphics processing capabilities of your laptop, standard definition video is converted from a low to a higher resolution so you can enjoy sharper image clarity and contrast on your HD display. Synch with your smart phone, or enjoy more comfortable computing using Bluetooth® mice, keyboards and headphones—all without wrestling another annoying cable. NVIDIA® GeForce® GT 540M laptop GPUs give your games an adrenaline shot with the premium performance and great battery life thanks to NVIDIA® Optimus™ technology. GeForce GT 540M arms you with the latest industry-leading technologies including eye-popping NVIDIA 3D Vision, dynamic PhysX effects, high performance NVIDIA Verde drivers, and more. Over half a terabyte! That's a mammoth amount of storage—for today AND tomorrow! More than ample for holding all your videos, movies, music, photos and more. Experience ultimate performance from your new computer with speedy DDR3 1333MHz memory on this model. The leading-edge Intel® Core™ i7 processor delivers unmatched quad-core technology for intelligent performance on the most demanding tasks, such as creating digital video and playing intense games
Toshiba launched a New Qosmio X775-3DV82 with amazing features in HDMI scale up your gaming, movies and music on a home theater – with full 1080p high-definition video, and amazingly immersive surround sound, in USB 5Gbps is the maximum interface transfer rate per the specifications of the Universal Serial Bus 3.0. It comes with Quad-core Processor, four cores on this processor you’ll experience unflinching performance when playing intense 3D games, creating and editing video, or enjoying music and photos.
VAIO VPCF13YFX/B Laptop offers maximum performance and amazing HD entertainment on a top-notch 16.4” widescreen laptop with a backlit keyboard and integrated number pad. With a quad core Intel Core i7-740QM 1.73GHz processor, dedicated NVIDIA® GeForce® graphics with 1GB dedicated video memory, and a DVDRW drive; the Sony VAIO VPCF13YFX/B Laptop Computer lets you experience intense gaming, the ultimate in smart performance and a razor-sharp picture.
With this Sony VAIO VPCEE31FX/BJ Laptop you can enjoy performance and multimedia entertainment in an affordable 15.5” widescreen with an integrated number pad. Add to that an AMD Athlon II Dual Core P340 processor, 3GB of fast DDR3 RAM and amazing picture quality with ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4250 Graphics; you’ll have everything you need in one sleek package
Price as Reviewed: $629.99 (On
Spesifikasi Laptop Sony VAIO EE Series VPC-EE31FX/BJ
Operating System: Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit Edition .
Processor: 2.2 GHz AMD Athlon II Dual-Core P340 processor with 1 MB L2 cache and 800 MHz front-side bus for excellent multi-tasking.
Memory: 3GB DDR3 Memory (upgradeable up to 8 GB).
Display: 15.5-inch LED-backlit display with 1366 x 768 resolution for native 720p HD viewing.
Graphics: ATI Radeon HD 4250 graphics card.
Hard Drive: 320 GB SATA hard drive (5400 RPM).
Optical Drive: 8x multi-format DVD drive supports reading/writing of CD-R/RW
LAN: (10/100/1000) Gigabit Ethernet
Wifi: 802.11b/g/n Wireless LAN.
Interface: 4 x USB , USB Type A, Card Reader, LAN, VGA, HDMI, audio.
MOTION EYE webcam and microphone integrated
Battery: Up to 3.0 hours of battery life with 3500 mAh capacity battery.
Dimensions: 14.56 x 9.77 x 1.22 inches (WxDxH)
Weight (Approximate): 5.9 pounds.
Warranty: 1-year Limited Warranty by Authorized Distributor.
VAIO VPCEB32EG/BI is equipped with a 15.5-inch, 16:9 Real Wide display that offers ample space for Web surfing and gaming. Wireless connection means you can easily link to the Internet and accessories. Features a Matte finish with a palm rest accented by fine glittering particles.
VAIO VPCYB15AG/P is a mobile PC featuring 11.6-inch high-resolution screen and AMD Dual-Core Processor combined with discrete-class graphics. great for viewing video and playing games. Enjoy your free time or boost your productivity with this handy PC. Cheerful in Pink to make you smile.
VAIO S Series is the perfectly balanced mobile PC. It’s thin, light, and highly mobile, with long battery life that helps you go further and get more done. Every feature is designed for mobility.
VAIO VPCSB18GG/B has a high battery life so that it can go on and on and get more work done. The Lapto is a Lightweight and has full-flat design along with a aluminium palm rest and magnesium body. The laptop has a back lit keyboard too.
VAIO VPCSB19GG/B is the perfectly balanced mobile PC. It’s thin, light, and highly mobile, and extremely quick with SSD. It also provides long battery life that helps you go further and get more done. Every feature is designed for mobility.
Its Black exterior offers a soft, calm and reserved image that is accented with a subtle green pearl pigment. Equipped with a backlit keyboard,it delivers performance and mobility to meet your professional and personal needs in a variety of scenes.
Sony VAIO VPCS13AFG / W with a clean white design without color. Specs Intel Core ™ I3-380M Processor 2.53 GHz, Genuine Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit, HDD: 320 GB (Serial ATA, 5400 rpm), 13.3 inch wide (WXGA: 1366 x 768) VAIO Display, LED backlight, NVIDIA GeForce 310M GPU with CUDA Technology. Neutral blends easily into any ultimate scene and any decor. It offers high performance in a 13.3-inch laptop and mobility to match the various scenes, whether at work or play.
VAIO VPCF217HG/BI was launched with a Full HD 3D experience in a notebook PC. Enjoy 3D Blu-ray Discs and 3D photos or convert any HD video from 2D to 3D. The 240 fps high frame rate LCD puts a bright and crisp image on its 16-inch screen. “Noiseless design” lets you immerse yourself in the content being viewed.
SONY VAIO VPCEA45FG/B/P/W/L is another good choice from Sony EA series. It is powered by the latest power efficient Intel Core i3 processor and loaded with 4GB SDRAM and 320GB HDD. ATI Radeon graphics also give a good graphics support to your notebook and it also have a packing of windows 7 home
This laptop is equipped with a 14-inch, 16:9 Real Wide display. The ATI Mobility Radeon ™ GPU offers a satisfying experience whenever you view a high-quality movie or play a graphics-intensive game. The Glossy transparent finish overlaying a dot gradation provides a fresh and vivid image.
sSony Vaio EA VPCEA42EG/BI Laptop is a new arrival from Sony EA series.. This beautiful laptop is designed to suit all purposes. It consists of Intel Core i3-380M Processor (2.53 GHz) and features 14” WXGA display. The laptop offers 2GB DDR3 SDRAM and 320 GB HDD. For excellent gaming purpose, the laptop has Intel HD Graphics. It supports the Windows 7 Home Basic 64-bit operating system. The laptop offers Quick Web Access, HDMI Output, eSATA, and Gigabit Ethernet. The laptop is a combination of bold and beautiful and is available in many splashing colors.
Sony VAIO VPCCA15FG/D is a laptop that brightens up your life with premium design in vivid colours based on a new light-emitting material. It offers ample performance for everyday use with 500 GB HDD and high-resolution 14 inch screen. VAIO C Series makes a shining impression.
Sony VAIO VPCCA16FG/B a laptop that brightens up your life with premium design featuring a juicy looking finish. The high-resolution 14 inch screen, 500 GB HDD and high performance GPU with 1GB VRAM provide ample power for everyday use. Count on VAIO C Series to let you shine.
The name COMPAQ is an acronym for "Compatibility and Quality". The firm was started by Rod Canion, Jim Harris and Bill Murto. Then in 2002 the company was bought out by by Hewlett-Packard. HP Compaq laptops are still being sold under the Presario brand alongside HP Pavilions. HP has made sure that desktop replacements, multimedia machines and ultraportables are all represented. Pricing flexibility and variety has proved popular with home, small business users and college students.
HP 210-2036TU 250GB HDD, 10.1", intel atom N550
HP 110-3113TU 360GB HDD, 10.1", intel atom N475
HP 110-3112TU 360GB HDD, 10.1", intel atom N475
HP 110-3111T 360GB HDD, 10.1", intel atom N475
HP 110-3014TU 160GB HDD, 10.1", intel atom N475
HP 210-1105TU 250GB HDD, 10.1", Intel Atom N475
HP 210-1103TU 250GB HDD, 10.1", Intel Atom N475
HP 210-1102TU 250GB HDD, 10.1", Intel Atom N475
HP 210-1101TU 250GB HDD, 10.1", Intel Atom N475
HP 210-1109TU 250GB HDD, 10.1", Intel Atom N470
HP 210-1033TU 250GB HDD, 10.1", Intel Atom N470
HP 5102 STD N470 250GB HDD, 10.1", Intel Atom N470
HP 210-1111TU 250GB HDD, 10.1", Intel Atom N470
HP 210-1008TU 250GB HDD, 10.1", Intel Atom N470
HP 210-1064TU 250GB HDD, 10.1", Intel Atom N450
HP 210-1006TU 250GB HDD, 10.1", Intel Atom N450
HP 210-1014 160GB HDD, 10.1", Intel Atom N450
HP 5101 160GB HDD, 10.1", Intel Atom N280
HP 1179 250GB HDD, 10.1", Intel Atom N280
HP 1177 250GB HDD, 10.1", Intel Atom N280
HP 311-1002TU 250GB HDD, 11.6", Intel Atom N280
HP 1169 160GB HDD, 10.2", Intel Atom N280
HP 1050 160GB HDD, 10.1", Intel Atom N280
HP 1049 160GB HDD, 10.1", Intel Atom N280
HP 1017 160GB HDD, 10.2", Intel Atom N280, Modem 3G
HP 1013 160GB HDD, 10.2", Intel Atom N280
HP 110-1127NR 250GB HDD, 10.1", Intel Atom N270
HP 110-1126NR 250GB HDD, 10.1", Intel Atom N270
HP 110-1125NR 160GB HDD, 10.1", Intel Atom N270
HP 2140 160GB HDD, 10.1", Intel Atom N270
HP 1001 AU 160GB HDD, 10.2", Intel Atom N270
HP 1109AU 80GB HDD, 10.2", Intel Atom N270
HP 1000 60GB HDD, 10.2", Intel Atom N270
Dell Vostro 1014 - U958MHarga: Rp 5.520.000,-Spesifikasi Laptop Dell Vostro 1014 - U958M :Intel Core 2 Duo T5870Chipset Intel 45GMMobile Intel® Graphics Media Accelerator X4500MHD14.0 inch Wide Display HD (1366 x 768) w/anti-glare or TrueLifeTMDDR2 2 GBHDD 250 GB8X DVD+/-RWspeakerIntegrated 2.0 MP camera with digital microphoneWireless LAN...
Dell Inspiron 1420'Harga: $399Spesifikasi Laptop Dell Inspiron 1420Display 14.1" (1280 x 800) WXGA, 14.1" (1440 x 900) WXGA+Operating System Windows Vista Home Premium, Windows Vista Home BasicProcessor Pentium Dual Core 1.86 GHz, Core 2 Duo 2.1 GHz- 2.4 GHz, CeleronMemory Up to 4GBHard Drive Up to 160GB SATA (5400 rpm - 7200 rpm)Graphics...
Dell Studio 17Harga: $999Spesifikasi Laptop Dell Studio 17Intel Core 2 Duo T9300 (2.5GHz) processorWindows Vista Home Premium SP117-inch WUXGA Glossy Display (1920 x 1200)3GB system RAM - 2 DIMM (DDR2-667)320GB 5400rpm HDD256MB (GDDR2) ATI Mobility Radeon HD 3650 graphicsWebcam and Fingerprint readerBacklit keyboardSlot Load DVD+/-RW with...
Netbook with Intel's dual core Atom processor N550 has increasingly spreads in the Indonesian market. One is Eee PC 1215P, compact portable computer products made by Asus.Unlike the netbook in general that uses up to 10-inch screen, Asus offers a bigger screen, 12 inches. In terms of processors, compared to a netbook using the Atom previous...